Friday 21 February 2014

A Fresh New Start

Yesterday I put in 2 rows of potatoes. It feels like I'm starting a brand new vege patch. After the long dry everything had gone to seed or died. On top of that,  I haven't planted anything for ages, so things were in a really bad way.  But now we have had some decent rain, the soil is moist and it is time to clear all the debris away, add lots of organic matter and start afresh.  I am feeling really excited at the prospect.
My new, mulched potato bed.
You can see the white labels marking 2 rows.
And lots of lush green weeds in the
surrounding beds for the chooks to enjoy.

So the potatoes have gone in at long last. I have had them in a bucket for a while now, waiting for the right time to put them in, and I have only just made it in time - this week is listed as the last week of the season for potatoes, so hopefully we will get some sort of a crop from them:)
I think they have a chance - the soil looked and smelled wonderful as I heaped it over them. 
I pulled aside a bit of the soil and the mulch
so you can see the leaves atop the long shoot

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