Daily Diary - February 2014
Friday 28/02/2014
- Description:
- Temperature: ??°C to ??°C
- Rain: ?? mm Total for this week: ?? mm
- Eggs: ?? Total for this week: ??
- From garden for chooks:
- From garden for our immediate use (name):
- From garden for storage / preserving etc (name/kg):
General Notes on day's activities:
Thursday 27/02/2014
- Description:
- Temperature: ??°C to ??°C
- Rain: ?? mm Total for this week: ?? mm
- Eggs: ?? Total for this week: ??
- From garden for chooks:
- From garden for our immediate use (name):
- From garden for storage / preserving etc (name/kg):
General Notes on day's activities:
Wednesday 26/02/2014
- Description:
- Temperature: ??°C to ??°C
- Rain: ?? mm Total for this week: ?? mm
- Eggs: ?? Total for this week: ??
- From garden for chooks:
- From garden for our immediate use (name):
- From garden for storage / preserving etc (name/kg):
General Notes on day's activities:
Tuesday 25/02/2014
- Description:
- Temperature: ??°C to ??°C
- Rain: ?? mm Total for this week: ?? mm
- Eggs: ?? Total for this week: ??
- From garden for chooks:
- From garden for our immediate use (name):
- From garden for storage / preserving etc (name/kg):
General Notes on day's activities:
Monday 24/02/2014
- Description:
- Temperature: ??°C to ??°C
- Rain: ?? mm Total for this week: ?? mm
- Eggs: ?? Total for this week: ??
- From garden for chooks:
- From garden for our immediate use (name):
- From garden for storage / preserving etc (name/kg):
General Notes on day's activities:
Sunday 23/02/2014
- Description: Sunny periods
- Temperature: 17°C to 26°C
- Rain: nil Total for this week: 21 mm
- Eggs: 6 Total for this week: 30
- From garden for chooks:
- From garden for our immediate use (name):
- From garden for storage / preserving etc (name/kg):
General Notes on day's activities:
Saturday 22/02/2014
- Description: Warm
- Temperature: 18°C to 29°C
- Rain: nil Total for this week: 21 mm
- Eggs: 4 Total for this week: 24
Friday 21/02/2014
- Description: Beautiful sunny day
- Temperature: 16°C to 31°C
- Rain: nil Total for this week: 21 mm
- Eggs: 4 Total for this week: 20
- From garden for chooks: puslane, young paspalum grass.
- From garden for our immediate use (name): Parsley, bay leaf
General Notes on day's activities:
- Prepare for Wesen's arrival
- Start putting some stuff on eBay (with DS's help). #1 - a jug.
- Put up a blog post. First in ages!
Thursday 20/02/2014
- Description: Sunny and warm
- Temperature: 18°C to 33°C
- Rain: nil Total for this week: 21 mm
- Eggs: 3 Total for this week: 16
- From garden for chooks: rosette of grass, purslane
- From garden for our immediate use (name): ...
- From garden for storage / preserving etc (name/kg):
General Notes on day's activities:
- CEC Discuss Autumn in VP - who does what. Plant 8 Westringia sp as a hedge. Potbound so heavily chopped. Prune Lillypillies and other natives.
Wednesday 19/02/2014
- Description: Sunny then showers, developing to rain
- Temperature: 20°C to 30°C
- Rain:16 mm Total for this week: 21 mm
- Eggs: 5 Total for this week: 13
- From garden for chooks: rosette of grass bright green after the rain, purslane ditto
General Notes on day's activities:
- Clean up poop and sweep chook shed. Put rakings onto strawberry bed.
- Work on YRF spreadsheet
- Bake biscuits
- Fix up broken auto chook waterer with new bits bought.
- Too wet to plant potatoes :(
Tuesday 18/02/2014
- Description: Clouds clearing through the day
- Temperature: 16°C to 30°C
- Rain: Nil Total for this week: 5 mm
- Eggs: 2 Total for this week: 8
- From garden for chooks: purslane
- From garden for our immediate use (name): swiss chard, pakchoy, red shallots, chives, garlic chives
General Notes on day's activities:
- CEC - work on 'Autumn in the VP' workshop and learn a lot about pH and crop rotation. Email notes to Gerard
Monday 17/02/2014
- Description: Showers the sunny breaks
- Temperature: 17°C to 27°C
- Rain: 5 mm Total for this week: 5 mm
- Eggs: 6 Total for this week: 6
General Notes on day's activities:
- CEC - work on 'Autumn in the VP' workshop, 27th Feb
Sunday 16/02/2014
- Description: Steady soaking rain
- Temperature: 18°C to 25°C
- Rain: 20 mm Total for this week: 31.4 mm
- Eggs: 1 Total for this week: 20
- From garden for our immediate use (name): Red shallots, kale, swiss chard, chives, capsicum
General Notes on day's activities:
- I read article on climate change and decide we should focus more on sustainability. Mick reads up on keeping rabbits for meat.
- Sort study
Saturday 15/02/2014
- Description: Rain, glorious rain!!
- Temperature: 20°C to 25°C
- Rain: 10.2 mm Total for this week: 11.4 mm
- Eggs: 5 Total for this week: 19
General Notes on day's activities:
- Finally some decent rain to wet the earth and fill the water tank. It would be great to have some more to really soak in.
- CEC - work on 'Autumn in the VP' workshop
- YRF - work on the spreadsheet of the numbers of seed I need to plant of each variety and when, together with expected harvest dates.
Friday 14/02/2014
- Description: Overcast:
- Temperature: 19°C to 27°C
- Rain: nil Total for this week: 1.2 mm
- Eggs: 3 Total for this week: 14
- From garden for our immediate use (name): Red Onions, garlic chives, chives.
General Notes on day's activities:
- Aust.Plants Society- Labelled 6 plants, decorated the bucket and made up a sign for the Lucky Door Prize for tomorrow's region meeting at Thirroul.
- Let Princess and the Barnevelder chicks out for a forage.
- Spread the last of the trailer load of HP into the Strawberry bed.
- 15-20 mins watering the thirstiest of the fruit trees.
Thursday 13/02/2014
- Description: Overcast. Late shower
- Temperature: 19°C to 33°C
- Rain: 1.2 mm Total for this week: 1.2mm
- Eggs: 1 (come on girls!) Total for this week: 11
General Notes on day's activities:
- Morning at CEC. Discuss autumn in the VP workshop in 2 weeks. Went on bushwalk with Lachlan into a new area of the reserve. Took lots of photos on CEC camera of "Shapes of Sydney Sandstone Bush". Lots of scaly barks here.
- Evening meeting of Year Round Food (YRF) Group. Homework - to work up pages of what we want to plant in VP for each month with a few key tasks. Formatted so we can take it out to the VP to work off it there.
Wednesday 12/02/2014
- Description:Mostly overcast
- Temperature: 20°C to 30°C
- Rain: Nil Total for this week: 0 mm
- Eggs: 4 Total for this week: 10
General Notes on day's activities:
- Gave all chooks an oat, garlic, yoghurt, milk, cheese, sprouted wheat, egg mix
- Wendy (yellow-marked hybrid pullet) and Rachel (green) are very attentive and follow me around, jumping up whenever they can. A lovely pair.
- Propagation day at the Nursery.Took photos of the flowering plants and th locally-dropped bunya pine nut. Must be close to 2kg. 8 of Ted's Lambertia formosa hav struck with masses of roots and new growth. So thrilled - its a very special form of this local native plant.
Tuesday 11/02/2014
- Description: Overcast with occasional sunny periods. Humid.
- Temperature: 19°C to 28°C
- Rain: nil Total for this week: 0 mm
- Eggs: 4 Total for this week: 6
General Notes on day's activities:
- Worked on Enviro Centre talk on Autumn in the Veg Patch. Involves lots of net surfing and distractions!
- Sort through emails
- Prepare for propagation day tomorrow
Monday 10/02/2014
- Description: Overcast
- Temperature: 19°C to 28°C
- Rain: nil Total for this week :0 mm
- Eggs: 2 Total for this week: 2
- From garden for our immediate use (name): tomato - from a volunteer - a beefheart.
General Notes on day's activities:
- sprayed glysophate on kikuyu bits previously missed in rear central garden. Also down the back in the eucalyptus grove.
- Spread horse poo in the citrus grove
- swept chook run debris into deep litter section.
- Collect native plant cuttings from Pip's place for Wednesday's propagation
Sunday 09/02/2014
- Description: Hot and humid
- Temperature: 16°C to 35°C
- Rain: nil Total for this week: 0 mm
- Eggs: 3 Total for this week: 22
- From garden for chooks:
- From garden for our immediate use (name):
- From garden for storage / preserving etc (name/kg):
General Notes on day's activities:
- Horsepoo and compost mix put in main shed and chick's chamber. Both sets scratched through the piles happily
- Chicks let out with Princess for a couple of hours before dusk.
- Piled most of the 4th trailer-load of horse poo onto the last bit of the citrus grove.
- Clean up and refill rat baits. Ditto the fly lures.
- Experiment. Sprayed the weeds in the pool area using straight vinegar and a squirt of castile soap (as a surfactant). See how that works.
Saturday 08/02/2014
- Description: Warm and humid
- Temperature: 14°C to 34°C
- Rain: nil Total for this week: 0 mm
- Eggs: 2 Total for this week: 19
- From garden for chooks:
- From garden for our immediate use (name): Capsicum
- From garden for storage / preserving etc (name/kg):
General Notes on day's activities:
- Topped up pool - water level way down
- Made up a mix of eggs, garlic, yoghurt and sprouted wheat for all the chooks
- Boys at sport; I went to an APS committee meeting for 2014 planning
- DD goes to look at a puppy, falls in love and puts a deposit down. Pick up in 2 weeks. Either a companion for Zoe to distract her from the chooks or a competitor for their attention!
Friday 07/02/2014
- Description: Cool morning then warm and mostly sunny
- Temperature: 12°C to 31°C
- Rain: nil Total for this week: 2 mm
- Eggs: 4 Total for this week: 17
General Notes on day's activities:
- Attached colour tags to 3 hybrid pullets' feet (vivid yellow [pullet called Sunshine 'cos she's so happy and friendly], lime and dk green)and a CS pullet (dk blue) for identification. These are the friendliest of the pullets.
- Bght feed - layer pellets (new type from local farm, higher protein than before) and scratch mix.
- Clean up box room
Thursday 06/02/2014
- Description: Mild; mostly cloudy
- Temperature: 16°C to 26°C
- Rain: nil Total for this week: 2 mm
- Eggs: 4 Total for this week: 13
- From garden for our immediate use (name): figs
General Notes on day's activities:
- Volunteer at CEC. 1/2 hour of weeding and pruning in the native gardens. The Grevillea sericea x speciosa especially was going rampant and taking over. Took photos and discussed programming with Gerard. Worked on an upcoming workshop I'm helping with -"Autumn gardening in the veg. patch"
- Back home put the drip watering on the young citrus plants in the citrus grove. They were looking dry.
- Worm farm is looking good. They just love fig skins and banana peels!
Wednesday 05/02/2014
- Description: cool and mostly cloudy
- Temperature: 20°C to 24°C
- Rain:nil Total for this week: 2 mm
- Eggs: 4 Total for this week: 9
- From garden for our immediate use (name): potatoes - 1.2kg
General Notes on day's activities:
- Collected last lot of potatoes from bed near the mint. Didn't mound as much as I should have and not much rain so only 1 layer of smallish potatoes.
- Hand weeded at the front fence and the pumpkin beds.
- Wrote up suggestions from the CEC meeting last Thursday for emailing to Gerard
- Caught up on some blogging entries.
Tuesday 04/02/2014
- Description: Finally cooler! Misty drizzly rain throughout day.
- Temperature: 18°C to 24°C
- Rain: 2 mm Total for this week: 2 mm
- Eggs: 3 Total for this week: 5
- From garden for our immediate use (name): lemongrass
General Notes on day's activities:
- Spend day with Sandra at WPH, looking at her garden (she needed some ideas) and chatting.
- Gave away a stroller in good condition on freecycle.
- Gave all chooks an afternoon tea of rolled oats, garlic, yoghurt and egg along with some scrap veg. The younger hybrid pullets clambered all over me to get at the bowl when I went in.
- Spent lots of time cuddling the baby chicks and taking photos. Lots of photos.
- Sort through and edit all those photos. Go cross-eyed.
- The figs are turning dark, but are suffering from dehydration. I give them a good water.The rainfall today is pathetic.
Monday 03/02/2014
- Description:
- Temperature: 19°C to 32°C
- Rain: nil Total for this week: 0 mm
- Eggs: 2 Total for this week: 2
General Notes on day's activities:
- 11L dose of glyphosate on the kikuyu in the rear central garden and surrounding beds as required
- Cleaned a load of plastic pots in the utility area.
- Cleaned out the glazed pots (side-of-the-road find) for DDs succulent display. Lots of really nice blue and black ones.
- The Colonel's voice is returning It's just the end of the crow that it runs out of sound.
Sunday 02/02/2014
- Description: Warm and humid
- Temperature: 19°C to 31°C
- Rain: nil Total for this week: 0 mm
- Eggs: 4 Total for this week: 27
General Notes on day's activities:
- Let Caspa out of her cage a took her out into the garden so she couldn't be tempted by seeing her nesting box. She immediately looked for a good place to have a dust bath, and obviously enjoyed it! She then spent the rest of the day happily wandering around, resting in the shade or pecking at grasses and bugs. I put her back in the pen at night and she jumped up on the roosting bars, showing no interest in the nesting box. Woo hoo - she's no longer broody.
- Spent day with Mick and DD using our recently acquired (side-of-the-road find) small mulcher. Raked leaves twigs and bark up from E side fence and remulched the area. Worked a treat. Even citrus shells spat out evenly. Great.
Saturday 01/02/2014
- Description: Warm and humid
- Temperature: 21°C to 32°C
- Rain: nil Total for this week: 0 mm
- Eggs: 3 Total for this week: 23
- From garden for our immediate use (name): lemongrass, capsicum
General Notes on day's activities:
- The Colonel's voice seems to come and go. I think he gets too keen when he thinks it's coming back so he loses it again! Otherwise seems well.
- This is why I need to fill this in every day. I am horrified to admit - I can't remember what I did all day! Think I just pottered.
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