Wednesday 22 January 2014

So Who's the Boss?

It would have been hilarious yesterday to have been a 'fly on the wall' watching me trying to get the chooks back in the shed yesterday.  They had spent the entire day inside and when I went to give them their evening feed,  2 or 3 bolted through my legs as I opened the door.  Appearing to be excitedly milling around with the rest of the flock, waiting for me and the food I was carrying, these sly little horrors were just waiting for me to let my guard down ...  they saw an opportunity for freedom and in the blink of an eye, they were GONE! Aaargh!

Well the young pullets are fairly easy to corner, catch and put back where they belong, but the older birds need to be herded back in.  You need to have the door open, stand back so they can go back in unhindered, whilst making sure that none of the other chooks escape. Just when you think they are in, you guessed it, 2 more escape.  Then 4.  It's a comedy and they are having so much fun, and I am just shrieking with frustration, and Mick is killing himself laughing. (I called him down to help, but the chicks are quicker and nimbler than us, and as I said, he was too busy laughing to be of much use).

Sometimes I find myself wondering if it's the chooks that are in charge.  *sigh*.

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