Sunday 19 January 2014

The Week That Was - Photo Journal

I hope you all had a lovely week.
This is just a taste of mine for the week commencing Sunday 12th January 2014.

As they are turning from purpley-black to green, I know we are getting
 close to our first crop of native finger limes (Microcitrus australasica)

A new work of art at a local ENT specialist.  Hundreds of eucalypt nuts or banksia cones are placed in each square;
the final square contains insect-marked driftwood.  I thought it was wonderful.

Beautiful plumage!
 One of our pullets going over the mulch pile for grubs.
Her mother is a Coronation Sussex (CS) X Australorp
hybrid (from our first ever hatch);
her father (and grandfather) is our CS rooster. 

Princess teaches her Barnevelder chicks how to scratch for grubs.  Part of the lesson is that they  have to learn
to move out of Mum's way pretty quickly, or they''ll get pecked, scratched or showered with dirt!

Our CS rooster stands guard while the chooks dig for grubs in our
huge mulch pile.  Esmerelda, an Australorp, is on the right; she
hatched the other two hens, Dutch and Moneypenny,
both CS-Australorp crosses.

And my favourite photo of the week:

Mum watches on with hackles raised while Zoe sniffs out lunch.  Mmmm!  Yummy!  Yummy!
The chicks and Princess are actually all very used to Zoe hanging around and usually ignore her,
but sometimes she is just too intrusive.

Till next time, take care

Lesley xx

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